Remote area community development, training, mentoring, environmental management, feral animal control and specialist training in natural disaster response. Indigenous community engagement.
"Remote Area Training, Mentoring and Feral Animal Control"

NPA Rangers


“I have known and worked with Shaun Seymour in a professional manner for well over 12 years with hundred's of hours of Aerial Shooting, we have conducted many Aerial Shoots for Feral Pig control in the most remote parts of Far North Queensland for Government and Private contracts. At all times Shaun has conducted himself in a safe professional manner, and always-incorporated Rangers and landholders into the Feral Animal Control Programs. “
Craig Gifford,Owner Manager of Heli Australia
"By the way of introduction my name is Mark Hogno I’m the Regional Ranger Coordinator for Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation. I have worked for this organisation for 6 years, firstly as Ranger coordinator in Normanton and then in my current regional role.I first meet Shaun Seymour when he was a senior project officer for the Queensland State Government Wild River Ranger Program. This program is currently known as the Queensland land and sea Indigenous Ranger Program has had many successes and since it’s inception and has delivered many a positive outcome to traditional owners in Queensland.I have no hesitation in acknowledging that Shaun’s role in this program was instrumental, particularly in the early and more difficult stages. Shaun’s ability and understanding allowed him to continually get results allowing fledgling Ranger Groups and Rangers in develop strong foundations for future growth.Shaun’s mentoring style has been developed over many years and at all times has proven effective."
If you have any question involving Shaun please feel free to contact me
Mark Hogno
Regional Ranger Coordinator
0427 138 325